What is a pig's scariest movie?
Hamityville Horror

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We've Got Great Chemistry~!

Welcome to the Hambo Hoedown! 

You have found yourself at the Hoedown, Hambo Stamps' fun weekly challenge where you can earn a free digi each week that you participate and meet all requirements. And in addition to the free digi, there are some bragging rights up for grabs if you use a HAMBO IMAGE and earn one of our two weekly awards (see sidebar for details)!

The Hoedown Challenge is open to ALL images, from any company, digital or rubber. Our prize winners, however, will be chosen from those using Hambo images. So ANYONE is welcome to play with ANY image for fun. Come join us!

You can read the Challenge Rules HERE.

Our newest digital image is TEST TUBES~!
If you played along with a Hambo image last week, you should have found this in your inbox yesterday! If not, you can purchase it here!

***Our challenge this week: Create a design that incorporates BUBBLES of some kind.***

To inspire you and get your mojo going, take a look at the fun and varied types of bubbles by Team Oink:


For this week's challenge you don't have to use Test Tubes. We have a wonderful line of rubber and clear images as well as other digis and we like seeing those too! Just make sure you are following the challenge.

Team Squeal member Deborah has a fun design to share using Snorkel Boy:
And Kendra used Sitting Duck (2504):

Remember, to play along for fun, you can use ANY company's image! But when you use a Hambo image for this week's challenge, you will be sent a FREE image to use in next week's challenge, plus will be eligible for our weekly prizes.

Please visit ALL the Bacon Bits' blogs (listed in the sidebar) today and leave them some Hoedown love! This is our last week with these gals as a group, and we want to say THANK YOU to all of them for such a wonderful time as Bacon Bits! We've got great chemistry!
* Deborah * Isha * Jane * Kendra * Lori * Lyn *

Everyone that:
1. Followed last week's challenge using a Hambo image
2. Linked to the Hoedown blog post and used the OFFICIAL digi name in your description
3. Emailed us a photo of their card by the DEADLINE 
...received this week's image FREE - so check your mailboxes!  

On Friday, May 24, we had a FUN customer inclusive blog hop: "THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS." If you missed it, you can surely hop and see what we came up with, but the winners have been chosen, and here they are:

Best of the Bands (Hambo friend participant):
SHERRY H (winner of a $20 Hambo shopping spree!!)

Random Commenter:
MEL C (winner of a $15 digital image shopping spree!) 

Our BEST IN SHOW for last week's
sentiment challenge goes to................

4. Greg T 

The trophy is all yours, Greg!
 This week's randomly drawn QUEEN OF THE HOEDOWN is..................   
9. Gail Scott
Grab the winner's button for your blog, Gail,
and be sure to email Monica 
at info@hambostamps.com 
with your choice of any digi image from the store here.

Please link your challenge projects using the inlinkz button below. If you are uploading to an online gallery, use HamboHoedown117 as your keywords so we can find your creations. If you are using a Hambo image, add Hambo as a keyword too!


After you have linked here, please email a picture of it to hambodesignteam@gmail.com by the deadline so that we can get the image for Week 117 to you! 

****Projects must be uploaded AND Hambo image pictures emailed by 
Monday, JUNE 3, at 10:00 PM CST****

Invite a friend to join you this week~!


Gail said...

Thank you for another Hambo Hoedown challenge - congratulations to Greg as Queen of Hambo -I am honored to be a winner from last weeks challenge. I will be sending my email shortly. Have a great week and thanks to the DT for great display of inspiration. Craft on!

Carol Dee said...

Great inspiration cards. Bubbles should be fun.

CraftyGirl said...

Congrats to the winners! Thanks for another lovely challenge.



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